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Penguins at Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life aquarium.
Rhiannon and Robyn at Kelly Tarlton's.
Robyn and Rhiannon under a massive fig tree in the Auckland Domain.
Ralph with delphiniums in a Winter Garden greenhouse in the Auckland Domain.
The beach at Piha.
Black sand eroded from volcanic rock--very hot in the sun!
See the bit of red in the center of the photo? That's Rhiannon.
The New Zealand Maritime Museum has everything from Maori canoes to the America's Cup sailboats.
The giant dandelion sculpture in the Sculptureum outdoor sculpture garden. Umbrellas were provided for sun shade.
Rhiannon and Robyn with a giant green rabbit.
We took a ferry from Auckland to the volcanic island Rangitoto. Then we boarded a tractor pulled tram for a tour of the island.
Robyn and Tim in a lava flow.
The Auckland skyline from Rangitoto island.
Pohutakawa, the New Zealand "Christmas tree". Merry Christmas Kiwis.
A small selection of photos from our recent trip to New Zealand...
Robyn and Tim must live on the steepest street in Auckland.
The Auckland Botanical Garden was full of sculptures and flowers--quite a change from the winter cold we left in North Carolina.
A New Zealand wood pigeon in the botanical garden.
The Auckland Art Museum.
Blown glass spheres and an arch of glass rods in the sculpture garden at Lava Glass.
Robyn, Pop and Tim admiring the small blown glass flowers at Lava Glass.
Large blown glass flowers at Lava Glass.
Rhiannon and Robyn at Huka Honey.
At Lake Taupo, we went on a sailboat excursion. Rhiannon photographed Robyn and Tim on the prow of the boat.
Lake Taupo and shoreline from the boat.
Maori rock carvings on Lake Taupo.
A black swan.
A tree fern overhead at Sanctuary Mountain in Maungatautari.
A tree fern crozier.
Robyn and Rhiannon at Maungatautari.
The Kakas very obligingly allowed us to photograph them in the clearing at Maungatautari.
It's been snowing all morning. The temperature is right around freezing and the ground is warm, so there will be no accumulation.
It's the kind of dark, dreary day when I feel sleepy all day and nothing gets done.
There's an old home place down by Heck Creek on our land. Nothing is left of the house except a pile of rocks where the chimney used to be and some trash piles. Ralph found this mason jar near the remains of the root cellar. The rim is broken but it doesn't show if I screw on this old lid I had. It's a beautiful color in the late afternoon sun.
This year I have been participating in the Stash Bee. The bee is run online with ten members of the hive making a quilt block from their stash as requested by the 11th member, the "queen". Here are my blocks for January through October. I'm the queen in November.
In January the hive "momma", Tracy, was the queen. She asked the bee to make bear paw blocks.
February's queen, Paula, requested this heart block in a bright color.
In March we made our favorite star block in coral and aqua for queen Lee. Of course, I made a paper pieced star plus two starlets.
For April's block, queen LisaJ designed a block based on the Carigan Saliere flag. LisaJ wanted a red, white and blue or navy blocks.
May's block as requested by queen Susan was called Celtic family ties.
In June, queen Rose asked for the block scrap bin geese in aqua with gray.
July's queen Meredith asked for help making a quilt for her son and soon to be daughter-in-law. She requested a strip and flip block in orange and blue, the couple's favorite colors.
In August Michelle asked for log cabins in blue and orange. She was going to mix and match them into bento box blocks.
An original block designed by queen Pam was our task for September. She left the color choices up to each of us.
In October queen Lisa requested a great granny block in red, white and blue for a quilt she is making for a military couple. I didn't notice until after I had sewn my block--I made a stars and stripes block.
And November is my month to be queen!
According to the calendar, the first frost could be here any day, but for now warm temperatures continue. We have two tomato plants still going strong producing as many tomatoes as we can cook and eat.
It's early October and the goldenrods are waning.
The honey girls are everywhere, frantically gathering the last bits of pollen and nectar. Winter is coming.
There are quite a few blossoms left on the cut leaf coneflower.
Though mostly just the seed heads.
It's aster season. We have at least three species growing around the house above Heck Creek.
The first is this tiny-flowered one. The flowers are about 1/2 inch in diameter and the centers are pinkish when the flowers are mature.
Then there is this white one with yellow centers and larger flowers, 3/4 to an inch in diameter.
And finally we have this blue one. It's flowers are in the 3/4 to 1 1/4-inch range.
The honey girls don't seem to have a color preference. They're buzzing around them all doing the final gather before winter.