Monday, July 17, 2017

BRP and Mt. Mitchell

With out-of-town guests here the first of the month, we had to take a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  We headed north through Craggy Gardens to Mount Mitchell.

No one can take a ride on the BRP without noticing the grand skyscapes above the mountain tops.  I'm always photographing the clouds even though I know I'm doomed to disappointment--no mere photo can ever capture the magnificence.

I photographed a few wild flowers, though I tried to keep the picture-taking to a minimum with our guests along.  When Ralph and I go alone, he has to endure frequent requests to pull over just so I can look at flowers.  But here are a few trail side blooms. I enjoy the small and delicate flowers as well as the showy blossoms.

Saxifrage and tiny bluets growing on seepy rocks near the top of Mt. Mitchell.
Saxifraga michauxii and Houstonia caerulea

Saxifraga michauxii

A fringed orchid.
Platanthera psycodes

 Wood sorrel. Look at the colors in this small flower.
Oxalis montana

Not a flower, but interesting nonetheless, upright standing fir cones.
Abies fraseri

And the kids at the top.